1 1 2 STATE OF NEW YORK : ONONDAGA COUNTY LEGISLATURE 3 COUNTY OF ONONDAGA 4 ------------------------------------------- 5 In the Matter of the 6 Terms and Conditions of Employment for Bargaining Unit Represented by CSEA Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO 7 for the Calendar Year 2013 8 ------------------------------------------- 9 PUBLIC HEARING in the above matter, conducted at the Onondaga County Court House Legislative 10 Chambers, 401 Montgomery Street, 4th Floor, Syracuse, New York before JOHN F. DRURY, CSR & 11 RPR, Notary Public in and for the State of New York, on February 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. 12 ONONDAGA COUNTY LEGISLATORS PRESENT: 13 DIST. NAME 14 1st BRIAN F. MAY 15 2nd JOHN C. DOUGHERTY (3rd TIM BURTIS - Absent) 16 4th JUDITH A. TASSONE 5th KATHLEEN A. RAPP 17 6th MICHAEL E. PLOCHOCKI 7th DANNY J. LIEDKA 18 8th CHRISTOPHER J. RYAN 9th PEGGY CHASE 19 10th KEVIN A. HOLMQUIST 11th PATRICK M. KILMARTIN 20 12th DAVID H. KNAPP 13th DEREK T. SHEPARD, JR. 21 14th CASEY E. JORDAN 15th J. RYAN McMAHON, II, Chairman 22 16th MONICA WILLIAMS 17th LINDA R. ERVIN 23 Clerk of Legislature: Deborah T. Maturo 24 Reported By: 25 John F. Drury, CSR, RPR Court Reporter 471-7397 2 1 2 INDEX TO SPEAKERS 3 SPEAKERS PAGES 4 PETER TROIANO, Ond Cnty Exec Office 5 5 CASEY STEINBERG CSEA member 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 Chairman 2 THE CHAIRMAN: Good evening. Like 3 to call this public hearing to order. 4 Would the clerk please call the roll. 5 (Clerk called roll, all present but Tim Burtis). 6 THE CLERK: Mr. Chairman, 16 present 7 one absent. 8 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Tonight 9 the Onondaga County Legislature will 10 hold a set of three public hearings to 11 consider statements related to the terms 12 and conditions of employment for members 13 of the bargaining unit, Civil Service 14 Employees Association, Local 1000, 15 AFSCME, AFL-CIO for the calendar years 16 of 2013, 2014, 2015. 17 The interested parties shall be 18 required to explain their position with 19 respect to a fact finding report and 20 recommendations issued by the New York 21 State Public Employment Relations Board, 22 consistent with the Civil Service Law 23 Section 209. 24 For housekeeping purposes, we have 25 exits in the back of the room and the 4 1 Chairman 2 front of the room, if necessary. Please 3 turn off your phones. I'd like to now 4 call the first public hearing to order. 5 We're now calling the first public 6 hearing in terms and conditions of 7 employment for members of the bargaining 8 unit, Civil Service Employees 9 Association, Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 10 for the calendar year 2013. 11 The interested parties shall be 12 required to explain their positions with 13 respect to a fact finding report and 14 recommendations issued by the New York 15 State Public Employment Relations Board. 16 Was a notice provided to the CSEA 17 and the office of County Executive? 18 THE CLERK: It was. 19 THE CHAIRMAN: Was the notice 20 provided to the media? 21 THE CLERK: It was. 22 THE CHAIRMAN: Is there a 23 representative of the CSEA wishing to 24 speak tonight? Is there a 25 representative from the County 5 1 Troiano 2 Executive's Office wishing to speak 3 tonight? Mr. Troiano. 4 MR. PETER TROIANO: Thank you, 5 Mr. Chairman. Members of the 6 Legislature. I'm here to present on the 7 recommendations of the County Executive 8 regarding the terms and conditions of 9 employment for the bargaining unit 10 represented by the Civil Service 11 Employees Association, Local 834, 1000, 12 AFSCME, AFL-CIO, for the year 2013. 13 I have prepared a presentation 14 consisting of an introduction, some 15 negotiation history, some legal 16 framework relative to the proceeding 17 this evening, as well as the County 18 Executive's recommendations for 2013. 19 I've provided them in written format 20 with the Clerk, and stand on that 21 written presentation. 22 THE CHAIRMAN: Anything further, 23 Mr. Troiano? 24 MR. PETER TROIANO: That's it. 25 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Although 6 1 Steinberg 2 we're not required to have speakers 3 outside of the CSEA representation and 4 the Executive representation, one 5 individual did sign up to speak. Since 6 you came here to talk I'm going to let 7 you talk. Casey Steinberg. Would you 8 still like to speak, Casey? 9 CASEY STEINBERG: Yes, please. 10 THE CHAIRMAN: Right up here. 11 CASEY STEINBERG: I'm Casey 12 Steinberg, and I'm a county employee 13 representing myself. I have been 14 recommended by the County Executive to 15 give County employees no rights for 16 2013. My question to all of you is: 17 Why do you feel we deserve no raise for 18 2013? 19 We are the ones that do the 20 day-to-day work, that keeps the County 21 running. In 2013 management was granted 22 a 3.5 percent raise, and every other 23 County union was granted a raise. If 24 you just recently granted the County 25 Executive and yourself a very nice 7 1 Steinberg 2 raise, it equates to approximately 3.5 3 percent a year for the County Executive, 4 since her last raise, and 2 percent a 5 year for the County Legislators since 6 your last raise. 7 I've also noticed that when hiring 8 management personnel, you are able to 9 give them advance step increases for 10 their starting pay. Please remember, 11 you do not work for the County Executive 12 or the Chairman of the Legislature, you 13 work for the citizens of Onondaga 14 County, which I am one. 15 I would like to think that the 16 workforce that carries out the 17 day-to-day operations is worth more than 18 zero for 2013. Since you have tied your 19 salaries going forward to the Consumer 20 Index, you should note that in 2013 it 21 was 1.5 percent. Maybe you could 22 consider that. Thank you for your time. 23 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Casey. 24 Any other speakers to speak on this 25 public hearing? Seeing none the hearing 8 1 2 is now closed. 3 * * * * 4 C E R T I F I C A T E 5 This is to certify that I am a Certified. 6 Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public in and 7 for the State of New York, that I attended and 8 reported the above entitled proceedings, that I 9 have compared the foregoing with my original 10 minutes taken therein and that it is a true 11 and correct transcript thereof and all of the 12 proceedings had therein. 13 14 _______________________ 15 John F. Drury, CSR 16 17 Dated: February 17, 2016 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25