1 1 2 STATE OF NEW YORK : ONONDAGA COUNTY LEGISLATURE 3 COUNTY OF ONONDAGA 4 ------------------------------------------- 5 In the Matter of the 6 TERMS and CONDITIONS of EMPLOYMENT for BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTED BY CSEA LOCAL 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO 7 for the Calendar Year 2014 8 ------------------------------------------- 9 PUBLIC HEARING in the above matter, conducted at the Onondaga County Court House Legislative 10 Chambers, 401 Montgomery Street, 4th Floor, Syracuse, New York before JOHN F. DRURY, CSR & 11 RPR, Notary Public in and for the State of New York, on February 10, 2016 at 6:15 p.m. 12 ONONDAGA COUNTY LEGISLATORS PRESENT: 13 DIST. NAME 14 1st BRIAN F. MAY 15 2nd JOHN C. DOUGHERTY (3rd TIM BURTIS - Absent) 16 4th JUDITH A. TASSONE 5th KATHLEEN A. RAPP 17 6th MICHAEL E. PLOCHOCKI 7th DANNY J. LIEDKA 18 8th CHRISTOPHER J. RYAN 9th PEGGY CHASE 19 10th KEVIN A. HOLMQUIST 11th PATRICK M. KILMARTIN 20 12th DAVID H. KNAPP 13th DEREK T. SHEPARD, JR. 21 14th CASEY E. JORDAN 15th J. RYAN McMAHON, II, Chairman 22 16th MONICA WILLIAMS 17th LINDA R. ERVIN 23 Clerk of Legislature: Deborah T. Maturo 24 Reported By: 25 John F. Drury, CSR, RPR Court Reporter 471-7397 2 1 2 INDEX TO SPEAKERS 3 SPEAKERS PAGES 4 PETER TROIANO, Ond Cnty Exec Office 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 Chairman 2 THE CHAIRMAN: Call to order a 3 public hearing for the terms and 4 conditions of employment for members of 5 the bargaining unit, Civil Service 6 Employees Association, CSEA, Local 1000, 7 AFSCME, AFL-CIO, for calendar year 2014. 8 The interested parties shall be 9 required to explain their position with 10 respect to a fact finding report and 11 recommendations issued by the New York 12 State Public Employment Relations Board. 13 Was the notice provided to the CSEA 14 and to the office of the County 15 Executive? 16 THE CLERK: It was. 17 THE CHAIRMAN: Was the notice 18 provided to the media? 19 THE CLERK: It was. 20 THE CHAIRMAN: Is there a 21 representative from the CSEA wishing to 22 speak? Is there a representative 23 wishing to speak on behalf of the County 24 Executive's position? Mr. Troiano. 25 MR. PETER TROIANO: Mr. Chairman, 4 1 Troiano 2 members of the Legislature. I'm here to 3 present the recommendations of the 4 County Executive regarding the terms and 5 conditions of the employment for the 6 bargaining unit represented by the Civil 7 Service Employees Association, CSEA 8 Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO for the 9 Calendar Year 2014. 10 The County repeats and reaffirms all 11 points made during the presentation for 12 the 2013 hearing. For the 2014 13 recommendations, the County Executive 14 recommends that the Legislature resolve 15 to provide CSEA members to be effective 16 the first full pay period after January 17 1st, 2014, a 2 percent wage increase on 18 base salaries, with retroactive payment 19 of base wages from July 1st, 2014, the 20 remaining pay periods of 2014 and no 21 other changes. 22 These recommended wages are the same 23 wages that were recommended by the State 24 appointed fact finder, and that the 25 Union negotiating team agreed to on 5 1 Troiano 2 November 2015. These wages are fair to 3 employees and adjustment to wages that 4 is both reasonable and equitable. Thank 5 you. 6 THE CHAIRMAN: Any other speakers? 7 Anyone from the CSEA that wishes to 8 speak? Seeing none. Second public 9 hearing for 2014 is now closed. 10 We have to wait until 6:30 for our 11 third public hearing to start. We'll 12 have a ten minute recess. 13 * * * * 14 C E R T I F I C A T E 15 This is to certify that I am a Certified 16 Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public in and for 17 the State of New York, that I attended and 18 reported the above entitled proceedings, that I 19 have compared the foregoing with my original 20 minutes taken therein and that it is a true and 21 correct transcript thereof and all of the 22 proceedings had therein. 23 _______________________ John F. Drury, CSR 24 Dated: February 17, 2016 25