Onondaga County
Department of Transportation
Administrative Office
6230 East Molloy Road
East Syracuse, New York 13057
Ph: (315) 435-3205
Fax:(315) 435-5744

Engineering |
This section provides engineering services for the department to maintain the county highway system. Functions and activities include issuance of highway work and access permits, review of planning board cases, highway and drainage design and construction engineering, bridge design and construction engineering survey activities. Also provided are the provision of technical services for highway maintenance activities, preparation of right of way maps and acquisition of right of way, litigation investigation and the oversight of consultants for bridge design and highway, construction and construction management contracts.
Traffic Signals: Onondaga County owns and maintains traffic signals at 119 locations throughout the county, consisting of the following:
Actuated three color traffic signals - 100
Overhead Flashers and sign Beacons - 17
Bridge Navigation Lights - 2
If you notice a malfunction in a traffic signal, please call 315-435-3205
Signage: The Department of Transportation owns and maintains approximately 24,000 signa panels in approximately 19,000 separate locations. If you notice any issues with signs, please call 315-435-3205
Bridges: There are 240 bridges/culverts in the Onondaga County road infrastructure inventory that are routinely inspected and maintained. Each of those structures has a designated "C" number for the county tracking purposes and record. This department jointly owns 17 bridges with other local municipalities and Rail Roads. 18 bridges are owned by NYSDOT and NYS Thruway Authority with limited County maintenance responsibilites. The Onondaga County Department of Transportation is committed to ensure the reliability and performance of its bridges for the public use and safety.
Permits: Access Permits (Form 1502-Rev.10/23) are required for all new driveways on Onondaga County roads, that includes residential, commercial, agricultural, construction and temporary drives.
Work in the Right-of-Way Permits (Form 1501-Rev.10/23) are required for all other work including modifications to existing driveways (widening, repaving, sealing etc...)
For complete details go to: http://ongov.net/dot/permits.html